Communication is the essence of human life and society. People all time are engaged in communication. There are various ways to make communication effective. The following are the essential principles of effective communication:
Principles of effective communication
1. The principle of clarity: A message should be clear, free from distortion and noise. A vague message is not only a barrier to creating effective communication but also causes a delay in the communication process and this is one of the most important principles of effective communication.
2. Principles of Brevity: A communication should be brief i.e. just necessary and sufficient. Repetition and over-explanation are likely to destroy the actual meaning and importance of the message. Moreover, the reader may feel disturbed by receiving a long message.
3. The principle of Simplicity: A message should be given using simple and familiar words. Vague and technical words should be avoided. Simple words are easy to understand and help the receiver to respond quickly.
4. The principle of Timeliness: Communication is meant to serve a specific purpose. If communication is made in time, communication becomes effective. If it is made untimely then it may become useless.
5. The principle of Compass: The communication net should cover the whole organization. The concerned people must know “What exactly they need and “When they need it. And effective communication will serve such.
6. The principle of Integrity: Communication should consider the level of people, principles & objectives of an organization to create a network or chain. Such a network will provide a better field of internal and external communication.
7. The principle of strategic use of Informal Organization: The most effective communication results when managers use the informal organization as complementary to formal communication, e.g. arranging sports, cultural functions & dinners for the employees can be an informal organization.

8. The principle of Feedback: To provide a message to the receiver is not complete communication. The response from a receiver is essential. Therefore feedback is required for communication to be effective.
9. The principle of Alternativeness: Effective listening is important in communication otherwise communication will be ineffective and useless.
10. The principle of language control: The sender should be careful in selecting proper words and forming sentences, words and structured sentences are the keys to making effective communication. You should see also the principles of effective writing.
If we follow these above principles of effective communication we can make communication effective easily.
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- Advantages or Importance of Feedback in Communication
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All of the 10 principles of communication are great. anyway this is a really a good education material.
I just dont understand on alternative
For a successful communication, we need both speaker and listener this is principle of alternativeness hope you understand.
it is fake
Thanks, Makarand for your interest, can you please explain which part of the content and how this content is fake? If your explanation is acceptable obviously I will change the content.
But if you can’t explain then please don’t put these types of comment.
All of the10 principle is very great
Thanks, Diana Tesha for your comment please visit the below link I think it will solve your problem