Parts of Informal Report

Here we discuss parts of informal report. Most informal reports contain headings, and may- include some form of graphic and supplementary material. Although most informal reports are written using the direct or indirect plan and are written in manuscript, letter, or memorandum format, they all contain the same parts: introduction, body, conclusions, and recommendations.

Parts of informal report


The introduction often sets the stage for the discussion of what is to follow. It may include a statement of the problem, background information, and an overview of what has been done.


The body makes up the bulk of the entire report. In it, the writer explains how the information was collected, organized, and analyzed. Headings are used to showing how the parts of the report fit together.


Conclusions are answers to the problem and are based on the findings derived from the analyzed data. As a general rule, there will be only one major conclusion for each problem statement.

For example, If Tahsin is writing a report to inform, he could draw one of two conclusions. He could say, “The workflow in the mailroom is efficient, ” or ” The workflow in the mailroom is not efficient.”


Recommendations are the actions to be taken, based on the conclusion(s) of the report. For example, Tahsin could recommend that since the workflow is efficient, nothing should be done.

Parts of Informal Report
Parts of Informal Report

On the other hand, he could recommend further study to determine ways to increase efficiency. He may recommend that the layout of the mailroom is changed, that the mailroom equipment be updated, or that more people be hired.

Thus, he may make one or several recommendations, depending on the data analysis of the collected data.

Everyone should follow the instruction given above about parts of the informal reports to make an informal report effective.

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