The meeting is a vastly important thing for any kind of company and a formal meeting always needs notice for the chairman, director, and shareholders. So, we provide here some notice of meeting sample, a notice of meeting template, a notice of meeting example also a notice of meeting format.
SQUARE PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. Notice to the shareholders
Notice is hereby given that the 38th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the shareholders of Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. It will be held on Tuesday the 21st of September 2021 at 11.30 a.m at Darbar Hall, Bangladesh Rifles (BDR), Pilkhana, Dhaka to transact the following agenda:
To receive, consider and adopt the Accounts for the year ended March 31, 2004, together with the Report of the Directors and the Auditors thereon.
To declare a dividend for the year ended March 31, 2021. To elect Directors in terms of the relevant provision of the Articles of Association of the Company. To appoint Auditors and to fix their remuneration.
By Order of the Board Kabir Reza, FCMA Company Secretary Date: 7th September 2021
A member entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his/her stead. The Proxy Form must be affixed with the requisite revenue stamp and must be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company not less than 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting.Admittance to the meeting venue will be on the production of the attendance slip sent with the notice.
Notice of Meeting sample
Notice of meeting template
BEXIMC0 PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED 17 Dhanmondi R/A, Road No. 2, Dhaka-1205 Notice of the Twenty-Eighth Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Shareholders of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited will be held on Thursday, the 24th June 2022 at 10.00 a.m. at 1, Shahbag C/A, Dhaka to transact the following business:
To confirm the proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 24th June 2021.
To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Accounts as of 31st December 2021 together with reports of the Auditors and the Directors thereon.
To elect Directors.
To declare a 10% cash dividend and a 10% stock dividend (Bonus Share).
To appoint Auditors for the year 2022 and to fix their remuneration.
To transact any other business of the Company with the permission of the Chair.
By Order of the Board (M.D. ASAD ULLAH, FCS) Company Secretary
Dated: April 27, 2022
The Register of Members and Share Transfer Book of the Company will remain closed from 2nd June 2021 to 24th June 2021 (both days inclusive). During that time no share transfer will be affected. Whose shareholder’s names will appear in the Share Register of the Company at the close, of business on 1st June 2021 will be entitled to the dividend.
A member entitled to attend and vote at the General Meeting may appoint a Proxy to attend and vote in his/her stead. The proxy form, duly stamped, must be deposited at the registered office of the company not later than 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting.
If any member of us changes their address please notify the change of address, to Company.
Admission to the meeting room will be strictly on the production of the attendance slip sent with the Notice.
Notice of Meeting example
Here is another Notice of Meeting sample of Statutory Meeting of a Company Ltd.
NOTICE is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of Companies Act, 1994, the Statutory Meeting of the Company shall be held at its registered office on 5th July 2004 at 3 P.M. to consider the Statutory Report and any other matter that may arise at the meeting.
A member entitled to attend and vote in the meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and vote in the meeting.
A copy of the Statutory Report with the Auditor’s Certificate is sent with the notice. All members are requested to attend the meeting by person or by proxy.
By order of the Board
Mr. Hashed Secretary
Reading of the notice.
Adoption of the statutory report.
Chairman’s speech.
Approval, by the meeting, of the modifications of contracts as mentioned in the Statutory Report.
Any other business.
Vote of thanks to the chair.
Closing of the meeting.
Copy of the Statutory Report.
Auditor’s Certificate.
Proxy Form.
Notice of meeting format
Notice of the first Annual General Meeting of a Company. This Notice of Meeting sample can be used in a company meeting.
In pursuance of the Companies Act, 1994, NOTICE is hereby given that the first Annual General Meeting of the company will be held on Saturday, the 2nd August 2021 at 3 P.M. in the company’s registered office to discuss the following agenda.
All members are requested to kindly attend the meeting on time. Any member who cannot attend the meeting physically can appoint a proxy on his behalf.
By Order of the Board Md. Rafiq Secretary
Reading of the notice convening the meeting.
Election of the Chairman for the meeting.
Chairman’s speech.
Adoption of the common seal.
Approval of different appointments.
Adoption of Directors Report.
Adoption of Auditor’s Report.
Declaration of Dividend.
Fixation of the date of the next meeting.
Vote of thanks to the chair.
Closing of the meeting.
Notice of meeting sample
Notice along with the agenda of the 25th Annual General Meeting of a company in which ordinary business will be transacted.
ROY COMPANY LTD. Cloth Manufacturer and Seller Reg Office: 46 Kamlapur Road, Dhaka.
Date: 18.12.21
Ref, No
NOTICE is hereby given that the 25th Annual General Meeting of ROY CO. LTD. Will be held on Monday, The 21st of July 2021 at 3 P.M. in the company’s registered office at 46 Kamlapur Road, Dhaka.
Any member who cannot attend the meeting physically can appoint a proxy on his behalf. All members are requested to attend the meeting on time.
By Order of the Board MD. Jahangir Secretary
Confirmation of minutes of the last Annual General Meeting.
Presentation of the Director’s Report and audited accounts for the periods 2019-2020.
Declaration of Dividend.
Re-appointment of a Director retiring by rotation, Mr. Anisur Rhaman.
Removal of a Director, Mr. Joynal Abden.
Appointment of auditors.
Issue of shares.
Date of the next meeting.
Notice of meeting template
Notice of the Extra-Ordinary General Meeting of a- Limited company
ANTU MANUFACTURING COMPANY LTD. Reg. Office: 32, Dilkusha, Dhaka
Ref.: No.
NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to the Companies Act 1994 (as requisition deposited by some shareholders of this company on “31.06.21), an Extra-ordinary General Meeting of the company shall be held at its registered office on the 10th July 2021 at 3 P.M. for considering and if found suitable, passing the following resolution as a special resolution with or without modifications:
That is subject to the approval, of the Central Government under the Companies Act. 1994, the name of the Company will be changed from Auto Manufacturing Company Ltd.” to “Agrani Manufacturers Ltd.”
Articles of Association of the company be substituted by the following Article, the number of Directors shall not be less than three nor more than five.
That the capital of the company is reduced from 10,000 equity shares of Tk. 100 each fully paid to 10,000 equity shares of Tk. 60 each fully paid.
All members are requested to kindly attend the meeting.
By Order of the Board MD. Kamal Sheikh. Secretary
A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy and vote instead of himself and the proxy need not be a member of the company.
Explanatory Statement.
The resolution to change the name of the company is intended because of the diversification of the activities of the company.
The resolution for the alteration of Article 17 is intended to fix up the number of directors of the company.
The resolution for reduction of capital is intended because the company is incurring losses during the 1st three years and there is an accumulated debit balance of Tk. 2,00,000 and the value of goodwill amount Tk. 1,00,000 and the market value of the assets Tk. 50,000 less than the book value.
Notice of meeting example
Notice of the First Meeting of the Board of Directors of a Company
ABC Company Limited Regd. Office: 12, Arambag, Dhaka.
Ref No…………….. To, Mr…………………………………..
Dear Sir,
Pursuant to the Companies Act, 1994 NOTICE is hereby given that the 1 Oth meeting of the Board of Directors of the company will be held on Tuesday, the 15th day of July 2004 at 3 P.M at the registered office of the Company to discuss the following agenda.
All the members of the Board are requested to attend the meeting on time.
By order of the Board MD. Jamal Uddin Secretary
Date: 20.12.21
Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting.
Payment of Interim Dividend.
Forfeiture and Re-issue of shares.
Appointment of Auditor.
Change of Banker.
Redemption of Debenture.
Arrangement of finance.
Date of the next meeting.
Notice of meeting format
Draft notice of meeting sample of the 25th Annual General Meeting of Lexax Cooperative Society in which ordinary business is to be transacted.
LEXAX CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY Habib mansion, 29/1, Motijheel, Dhaka-1000
Date: 20-12-2021
Ref: No: ………………….
NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held at the club premises on Monday, the 14th of July 2021 at 4 P.M to consider the agenda items given below.
All of our members are requested to be present at the meeting.
By Order MD. Ashraf Khan Secretary
To confirm the proceedings of the last Annual General Meeting.
To receive and adopt the Secretary’s Report.
To consider and adopt the audited accounts of the club for 2019-2020.
To consider and sanction the proposed budget for 2019-20.
To elect office bearers for 2019-20.
To appoint an auditor for 2019-20.
To consider the proposal for raising the rate of annual subscription from Tk. 10 to Tk. 20 per head.
To consider the celebration of the Silver Jubilee of the Club.
To consider the proposal for repairing the club building.
17 thoughts on “Notice of Meeting Sample / Template / Example / Format”
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Sorry, I don’t understand ur question.
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Thanks, Nandini for your comment, very soon we will publish an article as your demand, stay with us but sorry we can’t send format through email.
Thanks. Very helpful in my studies. God bless you.
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