A formal report is the most important and common issue nowadays so, we provide here a formal report example, format, and template to make the topic very clear.
This is an outline of a formal report example from here anyone can get an idea about the structure of formal reports including all other information regarding the formal report. Now everyone can write an effective formal report easily by viewing this formal report example.
Formal Report Example
Report on
Existence of Internal Control Structure (ICS)-in the CELL PHONE Sector
Submitted To:
Dr. Mahmuda Akther
Associate professor
Dept. of AIS
The University of Dhaka.
Submitted By:
MD. Tanvir Hossain
Roll. 58 M.B.A (3rd Batch)
Dept. of AIS
The University of Dhaka.
Letter of Transmittal April 20, 2021 Dr. Mahmuda Akter Dear Madam, This is a report on the Existence of an Internal Control Structure in the Cell phone sector for the fulfillment of course works of the MBA Program and it is my pleasure to present such before you. I have prepared this report based on the data gathered from interviewing various higher officials of cell phone Companies in terms of a questionnaire. For the preparation of the report, I have focused on the information that was found to be reliable and valid. I truly appreciate my topics being an important and significant one to enhance knowledge without which I would be surely in a vague position. And I deeply regret any inconvenience located in this report and I shall always be available for any clarification required. Sincerely Yours Mohammed Tanvir Hossain |
Acknowledgment This is high time for me to convey my deepest gratitude and sincere submission to the Almighty ALLAH for giving me the opportunity to accomplish such a huge task of preparing this report. I convey my heartfelt thanks to my honorable teacher and supervisor Dr. Mahmuda Akter for his careful suggestion and enthusiasm in bringing words at every time during the preparation of the report. And it is worth mentioning to utter the name of my all-respectable teachers of my Department from whom I have learned over the academic years. I have so far given my best effort, to prepare and represent the report according to the instruction of my honorable supervisor. I hope my endeavor will be beneficial to the audience and urge for exonerate eye for any mistake or error found in the report. Mohammad Tanvir Hossain |
Table of contents
SL No. | Title | Page |
1 | Introduction | 1 & 2 |
2 | The methodology of the study | 2 |
3 | Analysis of Data | 3 |
4 | Findings | 5 & 6 |
5 | Appendices | 7 |

Statement of the Problem:
This report is about “INTERNAL CONTROL STRUCTURE” in mobile operating firms in Bangladesh. The term internal literary means within an organization and control means” a mechanism. A control framework ensures those relevant control measures whose purpose is to provide assurance that certain risk exposures are countered within the corporate formal structures.
Because controls and security measures are implemented within a firm’s formal structures and are closely interconnected, the control framework is called internal control or the internal control structures (ICS).
These structures provide the means through which the internal control process functions. If a proper ICS is implemented, all of the operations, physical resources, and data will be monitored and under control, objectives will be achieved, risks will be minimized and information output will be authentic.
On the contrary, if the ICS is weak and unsound, the firm’s resources should be adherent to various’ losses such as theft, negligence, carelessness, and other risks. As a result, the information generated from information systems would be unreliable, untimely, and unrelated to the firm’s activities and objectives.
Whereas in today’s communication, a cell phone is contributing to an inevitable organ without which man seems to be lackluster in the age of communication. The cell phone has occupied the heart of human beings within a very short span of time.
This trend has also flourished in Bangladesh and captured approximately 38 lacs, people, within five (5) years time.
Obviously, those mobile operators have taken a major role to enhance communication here. How this happened with the flick of an eye, no doubt calls for a matter of pivotal interest. This has highlighted assessing the ICS of those cell operators, and we have given a look through our conscious endeavor.
Objectives of the Study:
To identify the extent of INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM (ICS) in terms of strength and weakness in those cell phone operators. Arid here we have given emphasis to various control components to meet the said purpose.
The scope of the Study:
Our scope was extended to all the mobile operators in Bangladesh. And the idea and notion of various AIS books have given a better exposure to control components to conduct our study.
- Cell phone operators in Bangladesh have effective and strong ICS
- Strategic Management initiates all-pervasive ICS
- Associated Risks are properly identified, measured, and diversified.
- ICS helps to achieve the organizational goal.
We have given emphasis to the internal control structure and our questionnaire has highlighted specific areas and not to all areas of the organization. Restricted access to data of those mobile operators also acted as a hindrance to our study. So based on the conclusion of this study, we should not have any rigidity and we should not have any negative impression or attitude toward any mobile operators.
The methodology of the study;
Population (sample) size
We have taken all i.e. four (4) private cell operators into considerations that are operating in Bangladesh,
Such as:
- Grameen phone Ltd, [having, subscribers more than 20 lacks)
- Actel [having subscribers about 10 lacks]
- Pacific Telecommunication [having subscribers about 4 lacks]
- Sheba Telecom Ltd. [having subscribers of about 2.5 lacks]
Methods used to collect data:
We have used a questionnaire containing 37 questions related to various control components to collect data. And for this, we have interviewed the respective officer relating to our matter of interest.
A tool used for Analysis:
A measure of central tendency in terms of mean & standard deviation and coefficient of variation has been used to analyze data.
The analysis of data helps us to draw the following findings:
Control objective: All mobile operators have the almost same attitude towards the control objective where the deviation is insignificant.
Management philosophy and operating style: All operators have targets towards a long-term goal and they avoid undue risk.
Integrity and ethical values: Those operators maintain strict integrity towards their performance while competence is subject to little variation.
Board of directors and audit committee: The attitude of a board of directors of those operators varies in a substantial way. In Pacific tale communication, it is found that there is no internal audit and separate audit committee, whereas the other three (3) operators do have one. The activities of an audit committee of others are found to be almost the same.
Organizational structure: With the exception of pacific telecommunication, all the operators have almost the same organizational structure. No existence of an internal audit committee and its respective functions has made this specific distinction.
Assignment of authority and expandability: There is proper segregation of duties and decentralization exists among the cell operators and this component tends to be existing all the time.
Human resources policies and, practices: All the operators are indifferent to such components where they have a strict adherence to them.
Risk assessment: Such a Component deviates a lot because types of risk vary from company to company.
Segregation of duties: Source documents are properly designed, kept, and matched with records by the operators.
Adequate safeguard of assets: Assets are properly managed and safeguarded by the operators strictly. Their attitude towards this aspect is laudable.
Monitoring component: All the company has regular monitoring activities but the way of performing such activities differ according to the setup and line of the structure of the organization.
From the said findings it can be deduced that all the cell operators have adherence to ICS but the extent of compliance of various components of ICS differs because the strategy of the operators vary as well as exposure to risk is not the same for all operators due to the variation of their market share.
The Grameen phone having almost 53% market share, is leading in Bangladesh in the tale communication sector and maintains praiseworthy ICS. Actel with 27%, Pacific telecommunication with 16%, and Sheba with 4% market share are also having significant ICS.
Had there been no ICS they could not have overcome the hindrances faced by Bangladesh TNT. The existence of ICS causes these operators to be expanding day by day and therefore increasing the Tele-Density than that of before. They have really created momentum in the communication sector.
Hope this formal report example will be useful for you, thanks for reading.
A. Bibliography:
- Joseph w. Wilkinson and Michael J. Cerullo, Accounting Information Systems (Third Edit.)
- Stephen A. Moscow, Mark G. Simkin and Nancy A. Bagranoff, Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems (Fifth edition)
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good collection of a formal report. thanks
Bro you did a good job it helps me
Good job the report is easy to understand and it solve my problem.