Feedback is important in two-way communication. It completes two-way communications and provides a basis of understanding regarding the successful delivery of a message. The advantages or importance of feedback are highlighted below.
Importance of Feedback
1. Basis of problem-solving: In two-way communication, feedback is compulsory. The sender can only justify the attitude of the receiver if the feedback is provided. So, feedback ‘ ensures the basis of problem-solving and this is one of the importance of feedback.
2. Democratic approach: It is a democratic approach to communication. It involves the participation of the receiver and therefore provides scope to express an opinion. It is another advantage of feedback.
3. Effective communication: Two-way communication gets confirmed that the message is rightly sent and can understand the success or failure of communication.
4. Identification of Improvement Area: Feedback gives input to the sender regarding the message provided by him. This helps to improve the communication problem.
5. Better understanding: Feedback helps to understand the view and opinion of the receiver. With a better understanding, the sender decides on the next step.

6. Creating healthy relations: One-way communication cannot create healthy relationships in the case of labor management. Hence two-way communications are effective and therefore lower-level employees can depend on feedback to raise their voices.
7. Effective coordination: Feedback enables effective coordination in an organization. All concerned departments can share the work-in-progress through the means of feedback. It supports the successful completion of a job or transaction.
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i wd like to learn more abt communication in general
bt thanks alot i have leart something
Thanx a lot for your lesson i get something in my mind that i was’nt know before
You have a good guideline on various topics in communication and you offer clear explanation on your points making it easy to understand
You have a good guideline on various topics in communication and you offer clear explanation on your points making it easy to understand
I understand all and gain something
thanks a lot… you have given me a new things in my mined..
I am glad about your informative article.
Great Research indeed.
Great post regarding Feedback in communication, it helps me
Thanks for a good job of educating people by using internt
I think feedback is important in communication because it helps to improve the quality of the communication.