A termination letter is used to terminate an employee from an organization. Here we discuss the termination letter definition and termination letter sample to make the concept clear about the termination letter.
The termination letter should be short and describe the reason for termination briefly.
Definition of termination letter
If the appointee does not come up to the expectations of his employers or if his general conduct is unsatisfactory then, his services may be terminated and such a letter is issued called a termination letter.
Termination May also become necessary if the re-organization of the office requires a reduction in the number of employees or if the firm is closed by itself. Another reason is that sometimes there may happen some serious misunderstanding between the employee and the manager calls for termination also.
The termination letter must state two (2) following issues:
- Date of termination
- Reason for termination
Termination Letter sample
JONES CORPORATION 1st June 2021 Mr. Rashid ChoudhuryCollection Manager Regional Office, Dhaka. Sub: Termination Order Dear Mr. Hashid Choudhury, It is my painful duty to inform you that your services will be terminated from 1st July. Your work, punctuality, and efficiency have been under observation for the last three (3) months but there has been no improvement on your part. Hence the management has no other way but to give you one (1) month’s notice of termination as per the terms of your appointment. Yours truly |

The image is given above a termination letter sample for the structure of such a letter.
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