An order letter is written to a company for an official product or service requirement. It has much use in every type of business. So we provide here some order letter sample as well as order confirmation letter sample with execution letter sample.
Color World wishes to place an order with National Paints Co. Ltd. for various paints. Prepare an order using imaginary terms and conditions. (Letter of order)
Order Letter Sample
Color World 1st September 2022Manager, Dear Sir, Thank you for your quotation and the price list. We are glad to place our first order with you for the following items:
Since the above goods are required immediately as our stock is about to exhaust very soon. We request you to send the goods through your “Motor” van as the carriage inward is supposed to be borne by you. We shall arrange payment within ten (10) days to comply with 5/10, Net 30 terms. Please send all commercial and financial documents along, with the goods. We reserve the right to reject the goods if received late.Yours faithfully, Mohammed Tareq |
The image given below is an order letter sample to better understand the structure of the order letter.

Reply to letter No. 1 (Order Confirmation Letter)
Order Confirmation Letter Sample
National paints Cch Ltd 6th Sept 2022 Purchase Manager Sub: Confirmation of Letter dated September l, 2022. Dear Sir. We thank you for your order No. p-3-7 dated September l, 2012 for various paints. The order is in the process of execution and it will be dispatched on 8th September, by our Motor van. We have taken special care for the quality and packing of the paints and we hope that you will find them highly satisfactory. We thank you again for your kind offer of the paints and hope that you -will extend your similar co-operation in the future. With best regards Yours faithfully A K Rahman |

The order confirmation letter sample image is given above from which you can get an idea about the structure of the order confirmation letter.
Reply to letter No. 1 (Order Execution Letter)
Order Execution Letter Sample
National Paints Co. Ltd. 8th September 2022 Purchase Manager Sub: Execution of order No; P/3/7 Dear Sir, We have the pleasure to state that we have dispatched your ordered paints by our Motor van today as per your specification given in the letter dated September 1, 2022 From the Invoice enclosed, you will find that amount due to us Tk. 70,000 (seventy Thousand only) and terms of our contract remain as 5/10, Net 30. We thank you for this order and hope it will meet your satisfaction. We assure you of our best services and co-operation at all times. With best regards Yours faithfully A.K Rahman Enclosure: (1) Invoice No: BSE/32/04 |
Reply to Order Letter Sample
Reply to letter no: 4 (Letter for Execution of an Order)
Star Trading co. Ltd 10th March 2022 Purchase Manager Sub: Execution of Order dated March 1st 22 Dear sir, We are pleased to inform you that we have dispatched your Ordered 500 TV sets as per your specifications. Those TV sets have been manufactured with the best technology and delivered through Karnaphuli express Train having special packaging. We hope our product will meet your satisfaction. As the credit terms are 2/20, net 40, we will appreciate proper remittance from you. For your convenience, we have sent the Invoice and Railway Receipt (RR) through the standard chartered Bank, Station Road Branch, Chittagong. You can receive such documents from Standard Chartered Bank, Head office, DhakaWe thank you for this order and hope to be benefited from your further order-in consideration of the quality of our product, please confirm the arrival of goods sharply. We assure you of our best services and cooperation at all times. Yours faithfully, Probir Roy |
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You provided sample for both order letter and order confirmation letter sample helps me much. Really i am thanking you.
Both of the letter are convencing
How is make letter of materials received qty completed and already sample not received qty?
Wish to really thank you for all the samples.. Indeed are helpful.
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