Minutes of meetings are also known as meeting minutes. In short form, it is known as MOM (minutes of meetings). We provide here many minutes of meeting sample, formate, and templates. But we need to understand first what is MOM (minute of meeting). Let’s know what is meeting minute.
In a general word, a meeting minute is a written record where everything will be recorded what happened in that meeting. After that, it will be served to those who are not present at that meeting and used for various purposes.
Minutes of meeting sample
Minutes of meeting sample of Statutory Meeting
ITG Co, Ltd. Date: 07.07.2022 MINUTES Minutes of the Statutory Meeting of the ITC Co. Ltd. held on 3rd July, 200 at 3 P.M. at the company’s registered office. 1. Directors and others Present:
and 250 other shareholders were present at the meeting. 2. Chairman of the meeting: Mr. Anwar took the chair to preside over the meeting. 3. Notice of the meeting: The notice convening the meeting was read by the secretary. After that, the chairman reported that the meeting was called to comply with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1994. 4. Adoption of Statutory Report: The Statutory Report was read by the secretary and placed ‘before the meeting for discussion. It was finally adopted. 5. Chairman’s Speech: The Chairman in his speech informed the members that a list of members of the company was placed on the table and the member could inspect it during the meeting hour. He also explained the financial position of the company and the business prospect of the company and asked the members to draw attention to the matters relating to the formation, promotion, or prospect of the company arising out of the Statutory Report. 6. Approval of the contracts stated in the Statutory Report: After discussion, it was resolved that the modification of the contracts as stated in the statutory report, be and is hereby approved. 7. Miscellaneous: No special item was raised and discussed. 8. A vote of thanks: The Statutory Meeting ended at 5.30 P.M. with a vote of thanks to the chair. Date: 25th July 2021 Mr. J. Alom, Secretary Mr. Anwar, Chairman |

Minutes of meeting sample 2
Specimen of the Minutes of Annual General Meeting of A Company in which the item of ordinary business was transacted
LOREL COMPANY LIMITED Date – 05-06-22 MINUTES Minutes of the 20th Annual General Meeting of LOREL Co. Ltd held 24th May 2022 at 3-30 P.M. at the registered office of the company. Members Present:
and 160 shareholders whose signatures appear in the attendance register were present in the meeting. Mr. Moniruzzaman took the chair. i. Notice of the meeting: The Secretary read the notice convening the meeting. ii. Confirmation of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting: The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on 20.04.22 were read by the secretary and were confirmed by the meeting and signed by the Chairman. iii. Presentation of audited account for the period 2020-21: Resolved that the Director’s report and account for the year 2021-22 as audited and certified by the Company’s auditor be, and is hereby adopted. iv. Declaration of Dividend: On the motion of the Chairman seconded by Mr. Mahbub Alom, it was resolved that a 10% dividend on equity shares be declared and paid within 42 days from the date of declaration of the dividend to those shareholders whose name appears in the Register of Members as on 31st March, 22. v. Re-appointment of a Director retiring by rotation: Resolved that Mr. Jahangir Alom, a director retiring rotation and he is hereby re-elected and re-appointed as a director of the company. vi. Removal of Director: Resolved that Anukul Bar, a director of the company regarding whose removal special notice has been duly searched as required of the Companies Act 1994,.be and is hereby removed from his office as Director of the company. vii. Appointment of Auditor: On the motion of Mr. Mahabub Alom seconded by Mr. A salam, it was resolved that Auro and Co. Mirpur-10 Dhaka is appointed auditors of the company to hold office till the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting. viii. The issue of shares: Resolved that 500 equity shares of Tk. 10 each be issued at a premium of Tk. 2 per share to collect funds for the company. ix. Miscellaneous: No special item was raised and discussed. x. A vote of thanks: The meeting ended at 5 P.M. with a hearty vote of thanks to the chair. Date: 28th May 2000 Dhaka Mr. A. K. Salam Mr. Moniruzzaman Secretary |
Minutes of meeting sample 3
A specimen of the Minutes of the Extra-ordinary General Meeting of a Company. This Minutes of Meeting Sample can be used in general meetings.
PIONEER MANUFACTURING COMPANY LTD. Phone: 9880000 MINUTES Minutes of the Extra-ordinary General Meeting of Pioneer Manufacturing Company Ltd held on Monday 4th July 2021 at 3 P.M. at 8/3 Green, Dhaka-1000.
and 150 shareholders as per the Attendance register were present at the meeting Mr. Nazrul Islam took the chair. 2. Notice: Notice convening the meeting was read by the secretary. 3. Alteration of the name of the company: Resolved that the name of the company be, and is hereby altered from ‘Pioneer-Manufacturing Company Ltd’ to Agrani Manufactures Ltd.’ and the secretary is, and is hereby directed to communicate with the Central Government for obtaining their consent to such alteration. After discussion, the motion was put to vote and it was carried by 130 votes to 25. 4. Alteration of Clause NO. 17: Resolved that Clause 17 of the Articles of Association of the company be altered by omitting the following words; ” the number of Directors shall not be less than three nor more than six” and substituting instead the following” words; “the number of Directors shall not be less than three nor more than five.” After discussion, the motion was put to vote and it was carried by the requisite majority. Out of 155 members including the chairman 115 voted in favor and 35 voted against and 5 did not give any vote. 5. Reduction of Capital:Resolved that the capital of the company be reduced from Tk. 10,00,000 divided into 10,000 shares of Tk.100 each to Tk.6,50,000 divided into 10,000 shares of Tk.65 each by canceling’ capital which has been lost or is unrepresented by available assets. After discussion, the motion was put to vote and it was carried by the requisite majority Out of 155 members including the chairman 125 voted in favor and 20 voted against and 10 did not give any vote. The Board of Directors is and is hereby authorized to take all necessary steps for confirmation of the aforesaid special resolution by the court. 6. Voter of thanks:The meeting terminated at 6 P.M with a vote of thanks to the chair. Date: 14th August 2023 Dhaka Mr. Mahabub Alom ——————– Secretary Mr. Nazrul Islam ———————- Chairman |
Minutes of meeting example
A specimen of the Minutes of the First Board Meeting (in presence of board of directors) in which usual items of Business were transacted.
ABC. CO. LTD. Phone: 9387837 MINUTES Minutes of the first meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Co. Ltd held on Thursday, 3rd July 2021 at 28, M. G. Road, Dhaka -1000. 1. Directors Present:
2. Others present at the meeting:
3. Chairman: Resolved that Mr. A. R. Molla is the Chairman of the Board of Directors. 4. Certificate of Incorporation: The solicitor, Mr. Hafiz produced the certificate of incorporation No. 555 dated 10.06.21 5. Memorandum and Articles of Association: Secretary Mr. Aminul Isalm, submitted memorandum and Articles of Association for consideration of the Board of Directors. 6. Appointment of Managing Director: Resolved that Mr. J. Alom be, and is hereby appointed the Managing Director of the company for 3 years on a monthly remuneration of Tk., 15,000 only. 7. Appointment of Secretary: Resolved that Mr. Aminul Islam, M. Com. LLB, ACS, be, is hereby appointed a secretary of the company on a salary of Tk.12,000 per month with a rent-free furnished accommodation and a car of the company. 8. Appointment of Solicitor: Resolved that Mr. Hafiz, MA, LLB, be and is hereby appointed the solicitor of the company with his usual professional fees. 9. Appointment of Auditor: Resolved that in pursuant of the Companies Act, 1994 Mr. Rashed Ahmed, M. Com, FCA, be appointed an auditor of the company at fees of Tk.10,000 per annum payable on the completion of the Audit. 10. Appointment of Bankers: Resolved that Mutual Trust Bank, Motijheel Branch be the banker of the company and all the cheques will be signed by the secretary and any one of the directors and a bank account in the name of the company be opened. 11. Common Seal: Resolved that the common seal as produced by the secretary be approved and adopted. 12. The issue of Prospectus: Resolved that the drafted prospectus of the solicitor be approved and issued to the public and be advertised once in three daily newspapers of different languages and the secretary be authorized to issue, circulate and advertise the prospectus. 13. A quorum for Board Meeting: Resolved that the quorum of the roared meeting be 3 directors. 14. Any other business: No special item, other than agenda items was raised and discussed. 15. Next Board Meeting: Resolved that the next Board Meeting he held on 22.09.2021 at 4 P.M. ‘. 16. The vote of Thanks: The meeting ended at 6 P.M. with a vote of thanks to the chair. Date: 15th March 2021 Dhaka Mr. Aminul Islam—————— Secretary Mr. A. R. Molla ———————- Chairman |
Minutes of meeting sample
A specimen of the Minutes of the Board Meeting (not being the first meeting) in which usual items of business were transacted.
BLACK EYE CO. LTD. Date: 25.04.21 MINUTES Minutes of the 10th meeting of the Board of Directors of Black EYE Co. Ltd. held on Thursday, the 10th April 2021 at 3 P.M. at the company’s registered office at 10/2 Nazrul Sarani Dhaka – 1200. (i) Directors present at the meeting:
Mr. Abul Kalam took the chair to preside over the meeting. (ii) Confirmation of the minutes: Mr. Sohel, secretary, read out the minutes of proceedings of the last meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 4th of January 2021. The Minutes were, thereafter, confirmed.(iii) Payment of Interim Dividend: Resolved that an interim dividend of 5% be paid, (iv) Forfeiture and Re-issue of Share: Resolved that those shareholders who did not pay consecutive call money, their shares forfeited and may be re-issued at a discount of Tk.2 per share, (v) Appointment of Auditors: Resolved that since the Auditors of the Co: M/S Auro and company resigned from the post of Auditors, so Rahman & Rahman, Co. 40/2 Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, be appointed as new Auditors of the company, (vi) Change of Bankers: Resolved that in the name of the company a current account be opened with the Dhaka Bank, Motijhiil, closing the company’s Current Account with Sonali Bank, Motijil Branch, (vii) Redemption of Debenture: Resolved that the 8% Debenture of Tk. 50,000 be redeemed in four equal installments payable after three months each. (viii) The arrangement of Finance: Resolved that 500 equity shares of Tk.10 each be issued at Tk.12 each to raise funds for redemption of 8% Debenture, (ix) Miscellaneous: No particular point was raised and discussed rectors are held on 2.7.21 at 3 P.M. at the company’s registered office, (x) The vote of thanks: The meeting ended at 5 P.M. with a vote of thanks to the chair.Date: 25th April 2021 Dhaka Mr. Sohel ———————- Chairman Mr. Abul Kalam —————— Secretary |
Minutes of meeting format
A specimen of minutes of the proceeding of the 25th Annual General Meeting of a Co-operative Society.
AZAD CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY Date: 28.06.21 MINUTES Minutes of proceeding of 25th Annual General Meeting of Azad Hind Co-operative Society, Habra held on Sunday the 6th of April 2022 at 4 P.M. Dhaka Town Hall. Members Present Mr. Nazrul Islam-Chairman; Mr. Nur Islam-Secretary and 130 shareholders were present at the meeting Sri P.N. Saha took the chair, (i). Notice of the meeting: The Secretary read the notice convening the meeting, (ii) Confirmation of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting: The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on 20.04.22 were read and confirmed by the meeting and signed by the chairman. (iii) Presentation of audited account for the period 2021-22: Resolved that the account for the year 2020-21 as audited and certified, by the auditor be approved and adopted by the chairman, (iv) Declaration of dividend and appropriation of profit: Resolved that the profit of society be apportioned in the following way:
On the motion of Mr. Asaduzzaman and seconded by Mr. Mahabub Alom, it was resolved that Auro and Co. Chartered Account, 5/2 M. G. Road, Dhaka – 1000 be appointed auditors of the society to hold office till the conclusion; of the next Annual General Meeting. (vi) Election of President and secretary: Mr. A. Kalam was elected president and Mr. A. R. Molla was elected the secretary for the year 2021-22. (vii) Loan Giving Policy: Resolved that a loan Tk.2, 000 be provided to each shareholder as a loan up to a maximum limit of Tk.40,000. (viii) Admission of the Shareholders: Resolved that Mr. Mofidul Islam be retired and Mr. Man-nan be admitted in his place, (ix) Expansion Program of the Society: Resolved that building at a cost of Tk. 1, 00,000 be constructed and the amount be collected by issuing new shares to existing shareholders or outsiders, (x) Miscellaneous: o special point arose at the meeting,(xi) Date of next Meeting: Resolved that the next meeting be held in the third week of May 2022 (xii) A vote of thanks: The meeting ended at 7 P.M. with a vote of thanks to the chair Date: 28th April; 2022 Dhaka Mr. Nur Islam ———- Secretary Mr. Nazrul Islams ——————- Chairman |
Related Content of Company Meeting:
- Difference between Minutes and Resolution
- Resolutions Definition and Requisition of Resolutions
- Types of Resolution in Accordance with Company Act
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Meetings
- Ordinary Resolution and Special Resolution
- Resolution by Circulation and Resolution Requiring Special Notice
- Notice of Meeting Sample / Template / Example / Format
- Classification, Principles, and Importance of Minutes
- Difference between Minute and Proceeding
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