Every organization has its own objectives and to obtain such objectives communication is required at each and every moment. Both internal and external communication is equally important to run the business properly. Internal communication is especially important because it links the day-to-day operation of a business. The following points highlight the importance of internal communication.
Importance of Internal Communication

1. Control: Control means keeping something within the limit. Lack of control causes the misuse of resources. Such control can be possible if there is effective internal communication.
2. Coordination: Coordination among activities of different departments is highly essential to active the predetermined goals. Lack of coordination causes mismanagement. Through internal communication, a strong chain is possible to enhance coordination.
3. Motivation: Because of internal communication, all levels in an organization work properly to achieve the organizational goal. Nobody is ignored and therefore such communication acts as a motivating factor.
4. Development of Managerial Efficiency: Management is getting things done by others. Communication is the only tool in this regard. To influence the workers, managers must have proper knowledge regarding the workers. Such knowledge can only be developed through internal communication.
5. Job Satisfaction: Employee dissatisfaction has a negative effect on job performance and therefore causes of dissatisfaction are to be identified and removed. Sound internal communication can help here and as a result, the employee will be inspired.
6. Others: Moreover, the followings are also possible because of internal communication:
- Preparation of plan and therefore execution of the plan
- Exchange of news and views
- Development of employee efficiency
- Maintenance of links between various levels
- Increasing morality.
The image is given above about the internal communication cycle. This image also showed the importance of internal communication. Click on the image to see it large.
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