A collection letter is also known as a dunning letter. From the name of the letter, we can gauge the function of the letter. It is most important and used so, we provide some dunning or collection letter sample, template, example, and format.
Collection Letter sample A Reminder Stage
One of your customers has failed to pay his bill on the due date and you have not received payment even one week after the due date. Draft a suitable reminder:
Light and Music Store 7th October, 21 Manager Sub: Account Remains Unpaid. Dear Sir, We just want to remind you that our September 10, 04, statement of your account for the under-mentioned invoices has escaped your attention. Date Invoice No Amount We have enclosed duplicates of each of the above invoices to help you verify your records. If you wish any further service, just drop a letter. Yours faithfully Abdul Khaleque |

Image of collection letter sample given above to give an idea about the structure of collection letter or dunning letter.
Dunning / Collection Letter Template
Light & Music store 7th October, 21 Manager of Music Corner Sub: Account remains unpaid. Dear Sir, Our account books show a balance of Tk. 7,000 in your account which has now been due for three (3) weeks. We sent you a reminder last week. But perhaps it may be escaped your notice. We would like to draw your attention once again to your unsettled account. It is quite likely that your business engagements are so pressing that they don’t leave you time to attend to many things. It is possible that you may overlook this reminder too. Please pick up your checkbook right now and issue a check for Tk. 7,000 in our favor and send it in the attached postage-free envelope. We look forward to receiving your remittance. Yours very truly, Abdul Khaleque |
Collection Letter example
Light and Music Store 12 October, 21 Manager Sub: Account still remains unsettled Dear Sir, The two (2) nicest words in the English language are “please” and “Thank You”. It would “please” us very much if you would “please” pin your check for Tk. 7,000 to this letter and return it in the attached self-addressed envelope. It is now 4 weeks past and has already exceeded our terms for 30 days.If you have already sent the cheque, “please” avoid this letter. In either case, it will be a pleasure to say “thank you”. Cordially yours, Abdul Khaleque |
Collection Letter format (Strong Reminder)
Light And Music Store 23rd October, 21Manager Date: 15th September. 21 Dear Sir, Credit is a convenience and not a necessity, isn’t it? This convenience enables you to make a purchase for which you promise to pay in the future. We are sure, your credit account with us has been of great convenience to you and we have the pleasure to provide you with such service. However, your prompt payments are necessary in order that us to continue to extend this courtesy. Your above account, now many weeks past due needs a check to avoid the unpleasant suspension of its operation. Why not post your cheque today only, So that you can continue to enjoy your credit?Yours Sincerely Abdul Khaleque |
Hope this letter sample clear your concept about collection letter. You can write your collection letter by getting ideas from this sample letter.
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We need more letter like: Letters for damaged, shortage, missing, acknowledgement materials etc
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great job, this is exectly what i m looking for. thanks for publishing dunning letter.