We are going to discuss the company secretary qualification. A company secretary needs to be multi-skilled as he has to perform duties that are, complex in nature and wide in scope. He should have the qualification and qualities to act efficiently presented below:
- Educational Qualifications
- Professional Qualifications
- Personal Qualities
1. Educational qualifications of company secretary:
A. A company secretary has to deal with many people of name and fame. So he must have higher education for better understanding.
B. He represents the company to the outside world and therefore he should have language proficiency to be well conversant.
C. He should be updated with wide general knowledge relevant to run the company activities.
2. Professional qualifications of company secretary:
A. A company secretary requires specialized knowledge of secretarial practice to deal with notice, agenda, resolution, and minutes of a meeting. He must know about office correspondence for communication.
B. A company secretary must have sufficient knowledge of the companies Act, Industrial & Commercial law, and the law of income tax, stamp Act, Accounting principles, and rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to deal with legal and statutory affairs.
C. A company secretary should have a better understanding of the money and capital market, foreign exchange, and socio-economic conditions to deal with trading and financing.

D. He requires proper knowledge to work with a computer for document preservation and future use of data or information.
E. To maintain a good relationship with all stakeholders a company secretary should have knowledge of human relations.
3. Personal qualities of company secretary
A company secretary is a high profile officer and therefore he should be a person to have the below qualities:
- Honesty & Integrity.
- Loyalty and courtesy;
- Punctuality;
- Tactfulness and cautiousness;
- Sense of discipline and responsibility
- Professional minded.
Related Content of Secretarial Function:
- Appointment of Company Secretary in Effective Ways
- Reasons for Dismissal of Company Secretary
- Company Secretary Definition
- Role of Company Secretary in Every Stage
- Types of Secretary with its Definition
- Duties of Private Secretary
- Definition and Qualities or Features of a Private Secretary
- Powers and Rights of Company Secretary
- Legal Status or Position of Company Secretary
- Company Secretary Duties and Responsibilities
- Importance of Company Secretary
- Liabilities of Company Secretary
thanks my educational sector and u explain really good.
Thanks alot,well elaborated