There are many characteristics and features of circular letter which are described below to write an effective circular letter
Features of circular letter are the following:
1. Art of writing: The art of writing a circular letter varies according to circumstances. Sometimes the art of writing may be general or sometimes it may be special. Overall, it is written in a simple way to make things clear to all.
2. Wide circulation: To circulate the same message to a large number of people is the main focus of a circular letter.
3. Conciseness: A circular letter must be concise but complete. Irrelevant matters are avoided and it is made attractive by describing the subject matter in a few words.
4. Reliability: Such a letter should be composed in such a fashion to create reliability among the mass people.
5. Mutual Interest: The interest of both business concerns as well as of consumers should be served through the circular letter. If such a letter serves a one-sided interest then it may not be acceptable to the readers.
6. Courtesy: Circular letter must be made in a decent way. We should not use unsuitable words because it can hamper the appeal of such a letter.
7. Attractiveness: The speech and structure of circular letters should be catchy to hold the interest of the reader.
8. Creation of confidence: Circular letters must create confidence in the readers and for that reason, it might be designed carefully to serve the purpose.
9. Universality: While writing a circular letter, the writer must consider the view of all readers because readers may be of different classes or groups. He should make such a letter universal to all who are concerned with it.
10. Relevance: The language of such a letter must be identical to the purpose otherwise such a letter would become valueless.

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