Undoubtedly there are many more advantages of written communication but, there are some disadvantages too. Advantages and disadvantages of written communication here one by one.
Importance/benefits/ advantages of written communication
Authoritative Document
The main purpose of written communication is the evidence is also known as an authoritative document.
Easily understanding
Another reason for the popularity of written communication is easily understanding if you don’t understand something for the first time you have a huge chance to see it next time which is not available in oral communication.
Written communication has exceptional acceptability to people especially when it is formal communication.

Undoubtedly we can say that mass people give more priority to written document as well as every organization announce they’re an important issue in written format.
Permanent record
This is another important facility for written communication. Every kind of written communication document is a permanent record and can preserve for further assistance.
Reduction of Risk
Written communication is one kind of evidence so, it can reduce the risk this is the most important advantage of written communication.
Less possibility of Distortion
In written communication, there is less chance of distortion because there are multiple chances to revise the written communication document.
Alternative Method
Written communication can be easily used as an alternative to any method of communication.
Delegation of Authority
Only written communication can properly maintain the delegation of authority. Actually, there is no other type of communication to delegate authority.
Effective control
Written communication can control an organization effectively. This type of communication is mainly used for organizational control.
Personal Image
Written communication does not involve any personal issues so, written communication can protect your personal image. It is also helpful to protect the company’s image.
Wide Access
Written communication has a large number of uses in every type of organization. Actually, you can’t even think of an organization without written communication.
The above-mentioned advantages justify the existence of written communication.
Disadvantages of written communication
Written communication is not applicable to all the circumstances.) Due to some limitations, written communication is not always effective everywhere as a mode of communication. Some important demerits/limitations are presented below:
Written communication is not applicable to all circumstances. Due to some limitations, written communication is not always effective everywhere as a mode of communication.

Lack of secrecy
Written communication is exposed to everyone who is concerned with the message or information. So there is a chance of leakage of information from any employees which may cause a huge loss to the organization.
Such communication is expensive. It involves expenditure in purchasing paper, .ink, typewriting, and printing machine as well as the maintenance of such equipment and machines.
Wastage of time
Such communication is time-consuming. From start to end it takes a lot of time. A message sent through a mechanical device like a telephone may take a moment to reach a destination; whereas a message if sent through any written device like a letter may require two, three, or even more days to reach the destination.
Late Feedback
In written communication, the receiver opens the letter and reads it very attentively taking more time. When he responds to the letter, he takes some additional time to answer according to the requirement. For this reason, feedback is delayed.
Lack of Direct Relations
Through written communication, there is very little scope for a personal relationship to grow between the sender and the receiver. Lack of personal touch may cause a communication gap or delayed communication.
Lack of flexibility
There are some pre-determined formalities that are required to be maintained while making written communication. Observation of such formalities is a lengthy process. If any immediate change is required, it is not possible instantly due to the lack of flexibility in written communication.
Written communication facilitates red-tapism. A message from the chief executive reaches its destination via different sections of people. It may happen that an urgent letter or message is kept on a file without any action. The concerned persons intentionally do such which causes a delay in processing information. Due to this red-tapism, quick decision-making is hampered.
Useless for the illiterate
If the receiver is illiterate then written communication does not make any sense. So, such communication is meaningless to illiterate people. This causes ineffective communication.
Cost of filing and indexing
This is an additional cost to be borne by the Organization. Written communication is documented or filed for future purposes. Expenditures are required to be incurred for making racks and arranging other equipment.
Flattery and Inflated information
If any message is supposed to go against the interests of employees or higher officials then there is a chance of fabrication of such a message by the concerned person. To gain an extra advantage or to avoid criticism, such a person may flatter and inflate information in the written message.
Delayed correction
In written communication due to the lack of direct contact between a communicator and communication, any mistake that occurred takes a huge time its correct. Even if the mistake is identified immediately, still its correction is not possible. For Example, a letter that is posted cannot be brought back for correction if any mistake is identified later on.
Complexity and sluggishness
To determine the objective of sending any message. Drafting such a message and therefore sending the message to the receiver involves observation of various rules, procedures, or formalities. Furthermore, there is a delay in feedback in such communication. The whole process involves complexity and sluggishness.
The above demerits are required to be addressed while making written communication. Such demerits should be minimized to make effective communication.
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